21:19:12 From Willliam Decker : Money was invented in the Paleo to express love to the persons you loved: Polished Stones, Feathers, etc., etc.,. No stuff necessary. 21:22:59 From Rita Jacobs : I have a question for Randy. 22:03:40 From Matt Crehan : Remember Tally Sticks??? 22:03:48 From Willliam Decker : If we had had Parity Pricing in the 1850's we would not have had the civil war that killed millions of us. 22:04:59 From Willliam Decker : The farmers of the North were having to compete with Plantation Owners that had low labor costs. 22:10:18 From Willliam Decker : Without 5G we will never have automated cars and the possibility of free transportation for everyone via the Need Act. 22:12:16 From Kevin McCormick : Look at "not just bicycles" on you-tube. Entire cities in Europe have working transportation systems that do not depend on cars or 5g technology. 22:12:42 From Matt Crehan : 5G is DANGEROUS 22:13:32 From Matt Crehan : Its not just the farmers, its the entire agricultural industry that benefits 22:13:37 From Willliam Decker : The few people will become many people as people return to farms. 22:13:48 From Matt Crehan : Agreed! 22:21:58 From Willliam Decker : I guess I will have to be convinced 5G is Dangerous. 22:24:41 From Matt Crehan : The death of American farms is no different than the death of American industry 22:28:01 From Howard Switzer : they're happy to loose your money to make their money. 22:33:32 From Willliam Decker : Do not forget Kevin is a school teacher. 22:35:21 From Matt Crehan : The amount of food produced depends on how much I decide to eat (oink-oink) 22:38:36 From Matt Crehan : Everyone should have a food storage plan; six months is good. 22:40:57 From Mary Sanderson : "Efficiency is inverse of resilience" Bernard Lietaer We need balance. 22:50:02 From Rita Jacobs : I'm exhausted. Sorry I need to leave the meeting.